North America
Nowhere in the world can rival the island of Victoria for sea monster and Bigfoot sightings. Canada is also well known for its sheer number of lakes that harbor lake serpents. Many of these serpents are said to be dangerous, and First Nation peoples were known to make offerings to appease them. Certainly the strangest Canadian monster that inhabits the water is the Gougou, a legendary giantess who wades into the sea to pluck up unlucky sailors.
North America
Akhlut - Alkali Lake Monster - Altamaha-ha - Amhuluk - Bear Lake Monster - Beast of Busco - Bessie - Bobo - Cadborosaurus - Cameron Lake Monster - The Cape Ann Sea Snake - Cape Bonavista Monster - Catemaco Serpent - Champ - Charles Mill Lake Monster - Colossal Claude - The Cornerbrook Corpse - The Cummings Sea Serpent - Devil's Lake Monster - Edizgigantus - Elsie - Flathead Lake Monster - The Fly Sea Monster - Giant Alligator - Giant Octopuses - Giant Penguins - Giant Salamanders - Gloucester Sea Serpent - Hodgee - Hudson River Monster - Igopogo - Iliamna Lake Monster - Kipsy - Kodiak Dinosaur - Lake Leelanau Monster - Lake Norman Monster - Lakeside Nessie - Lake Utopia Monster - Larry - Lizard Man - Manipogo - Manitou Monster - Mann Hill Globster - Mugwump - Muck Monster (FL) - Muck Monster (MD) - Mussie - Nahant Sea Serpent - Nova Scotia Monster - Normandy Nessie - North Shore Monster - Oggie - Ogopogo - Old Greeny - Ol' Slavey - One-Eye - Ooly - Otayzilla - Paddler - Paint River Monster - Pal Rai Yuk - Phantom Gators - Penobscot Bay Serpent - Pepie - Ponik - Red River Monster - Rocky - San Francisco Bay Serpent - Santa Clara Sea Monster - Sewergators - Sharlie - Slimy Slim - St. Augustine Globster - Tacoma Sea Monster - Tahoe Tessie - Tarpie - Tecoluta Globster - Thetis Lake Monster - Tizheruk - The Trinity Bay Sea Monster - Turtle Lake Monster - Wallowa Lake Monster - Whippy - White River Monster - Winnipogo - The Wood Island Sea Serpent
South America
Aluminé River Monster - Calimayos - The Cape San Roque Serpent - Chiloé Island Monster - Lake Colhue Huapí Creature - Colorado River Water Animal - El Cuero - Cuero Uñudo - Culebrón - Deseado River Monster - Fañanito - Fox Snake - Giant Penguins - Huaca Mamül - Huechulito - Iemisch / Water Tiger - The Koopman Sea Serpent - Lago Tar Monsters - Lake Blanco Monster - Lake Cisnes Creature - Lake de Las Rocas Monster - Lake Esquel Creature - Lake Horses - Lake Lacar Bull - Lake La Plata Creatures - Lake Lolog Creatures - Magellan Monster - Lake Nonthue Creatures - Lake Paimun Creature - Lake Plesiosaurio Monster - Lake Pueyrredón Monster - Lake Todos Los Santos Creature - Lake Vidal Gormaz Monster - Lake Vintter / Palena Creature - Lakooma - Nahuelito - Negros del Agua - Llanquihue Plesiosaur - Patagonian Hippopotamus - Patagonian Plesiosaur - Patagonian Water Bulls - Reloncavi Fjord Creatures - Senguer River Monster - Sucuriju Gigante / Giant Anaconda - Tagua Tagua Lagoon Monster - Tamango River Monster - Toltén River Creature - The Valhalla Sea Serpent - Vichuquen Monster - Lake Villarrica Monster - Walichus
Brosnie - Buru - Con Rit - Heavenly Lake Monster - Issie -Kanasuhu Lake Monster - Kansas Lake Creatures - Kappa - Khaiyr Beast - Kokkol - Koskolteras Rhombopetrix - Kouris Dam Serpent - Kusshii - Labynkr Monster - Lake Baikal Monster - Lake Kanasi Monsters - Lake Van Monster - Nesski - The Sakhalin Globster - Tianchi Lake Monster - Vorota Beast - Zhangke River Monster
Ambize - Ataka Globster - Auli (Chad) - Auli (Ethiopia) - Chipekwe - Emela-ntouka - Ichitapa - Inkanyamba - Irizima - Kongamato - Kraken - Lau - Lukwata - Mahamba - Mokèlé Mbèmbé - Nyaminyami - Sucuriju Gigante / Giant Anaconda - Trunko - The Umfili Monster Fish
Beast of UB-85 - Bownessie - Brosno Dragon - The Channel Creature - Clifden Water Horses - The Devon Sea Monster - Dobhar-chú - Eachy - Eskie - Gorsey - Gryttie - Halsydrus - The Hilary Sea Serpent - Killarney Lake Monster - Lagarfljóts Worm - Lancashire Monster - Lizzie - Loch Arkaig Monster - Loch Awe Monster - Loch Linnhe Monster - Loch Lomond Monster - Loch Oich Monster - Loch Quoich Monster - Loch Volkhov Monster - Lough Auna Monster - Lough Brin Monster - Lough Fadda Beast - Lough Nahooin Monster - Lough Ree Monster - Lough Shanakeever Monster - The Málaga Cable Globster - Mjosa - Morag - Muckie - Muckross Monster - Muc-sheilch - Nessie - Norfolk Sea Serpent - Norway Cave Serpent - Ootsa Lake Creature - The Plumper Sea Serpent - Renvyle Monster - Romsdalfjord Sea Serpent - Selma - Shielagh - Skrimsl - Stoor Worms - Storsie - Storsjöodjuret - Stronsay Beast - Varberg Fortress Moat Monster
The 1960 Tasmania Globster - The 1970 Tasmania Globster - Abaia - Aggie - Ahool - Australian Enigma - Beast of Bynoe - The Bellambi Reef Serpent - Borneo Monster - Bunyip - Danau Poso Monster - Giant Jellyfish - Giant Octopuses - Hawkesbury River Monster - The Muriwai Globster - Murray - Pterosaur - Queensland Monster - Waitoreke
The Azores Monster - Beast of UB-85 - The Benstrup Sea Snake - The Bermuda Blob - Canary Elasmosaurus - The Cape Ann Sea Snake - Captain von Ferry Sea Snake - The Channel Creature - The Cornerbrook Corpse - The Cummings Sea Serpent - The Daedalus Sea Serpent - The Devon Sea Monster - The Egede Sea Serpent - Gloucester Sea Serpent - Halsydrus - Nahant Sea Serpent - The Plumper Sea Serpent - The St. Helena Sea Snake - The Trinity Bay Sea Monster - U-28 Creature - The Umfili Monster Fish - The Wood Island Sea Serpent